Copyright (c) 2024 ELAN MITSUA Project, Mitsua Likes Attribution-NonCommercial License dated December 16, 2024
The Mitsua Likes Attribution-NonCommercial License (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms”) sets forth the conditions for the use of the image generation AI model developed and released by the ELAN MITSUA Project / Abstract Engine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “MITSUA Project”), known as “Mitsua Likes,” as well as derivative models (hereinafter “Derivative Models”), and any data generated using Mitsua Likes or any data generated using Derivative Models (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Generated Data”). Please read the Terms in full before using Mitsua Likes. Users of Mitsua Likes shall be deemed to have agreed to the Terms upon using Mitsua Likes. In the event that a separate written agreement is concluded, such agreement shall take precedence over the Terms.
License for Use of Generated Data and Attribution of Rights
- Use of the Generated Data is restricted to non-commercial purposes only. However, commercial use shall be permissible within the scope defined in the Terms if:
- The user is an individual or a team of up to 10 members using the Generated Data for their own creative activities, or
- The user is a corporate entity that has obtained prior written consent from the MITSUA Project.
- All rights related to the Mitsua Likes model belong exclusively to the MITSUA Project or the respective rights holders who have granted usage rights to the MITSUA Project. Except as explicitly set forth in the Terms, no such rights are transferred or assigned to the user.
- If a user generates content containing the name of a “Public Character” (a character independently designated by the MITSUA Project and operated by the MITSUA Project or a third party who has granted the MITSUA Project the right to use the character), or if the Generated Data is determined to be similar to such a character by a “Similarity Determination Model,” the user shall use the Generated Data in accordance with the Terms and the terms of use applicable to the character in question.
- When publishing or sharing the Generated Data with third parties, users must display credits for Mitsua Likes. The manner of displaying credits can be in any reasonable format, as long as it does not mislead others into believing that the generation was conducted by the MITSUA Project, or any rights holder who has permitted the MITSUA Project to use their content. If the user significantly modifies the Generated Data, credits must still be displayed with a reasonable supplementary explanation. In the Terms, “credits for Mitsua Likes” means displaying one of the following statements. In the case of Generated Data produced by a Derivative Model, it must be clearly indicated that a Derivative Model was used:
- In the case of Mitsua Likes:
- "画像生成:Mitsua Likes" (in Japanese)
- "Generated by Mitsua Likes" (in English)
- In the case of a Derivative Model (XXX = name of the Derivative Model):
- "画像生成:XXX (Mitsua Likes派生)"
- "Generated by XXX derived from Mitsua Likes"
- If the name or any related designation/information of the official character “Elan Mitsua” for which the MITSUA Project holds rights is added to credits, explanatory text, or the like for the Generated Data, the content of the Generated Data must not violate the prohibitions outlined in the “Elan Mitsua Fan Fiction Guidelines.”
- Pursuant to the Terms, the MITSUA Project grants users a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, sublicensable, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to reproduce, create derivatives of, publicly display, distribute, share, sublicense, and otherwise distribute the Generated Data created by the user using Mitsua Likes.
- Except as provided in the Terms, the MITSUA Project does not claim any rights to the Generated Data
- The MITSUA Project may request a user to cease using the Mitsua Likes model or Derivative Models, and to cease using the Generated Data, if such user’s use is found to be in violation of the Terms or if the Generated Data is produced as a result of violation of the Terms. The user shall comply with such requests immediately.
- If a user permits a third party to use the Generated Data, the user must establish provisions that ensure compliance with the Terms.
Conditions for Distribution and Modification of Models
- Of the models constituting Mitsua Likes, no modifications are allowed to any part except for the Text Encoder.
- The Text Encoder is subject to the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which takes precedence. Provided that appropriate credit is given, any changes are indicated, and the adapted work is distributed under the same license, the Text Encoder may be used, modified, and redistributed for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
- All other models (U-Net, VAE, the Similarity Determination Model, and the similarity determination parameters) may not be modified. However, if the user obtains prior written agreement from the MITSUA Project, the user may create a Derivative Model under conditions stipulated in writing.
- The use conditions for Derivative Models and the Generated Data produced by Derivative Models are subject to the Terms and shall be used under the same conditions.
- Hosting and redistributing the Mitsua Likes model or Derivative Models is permitted solely for non-commercial purposes in completely non-profit, free-of-charge services or applications. In such cases, the credits for Mitsua Likes must be displayed prominently on the relevant website or application.